Michelle McGough discusses Untitled (Two Men Blues)
Michelle McGough discusses Untitled (Two Men Blues)
In this untitled image depicting two male figures engaging in an intimate sexual act, Morrisseau creates a narrative rich in symbolism, an image that speaks of transformation and metamorphosis but also of an indigenous understanding regarding gender and sexuality that existed prior to the missionization of indigenous people. Early accounts document existence of individuals whose gender was not determined by the biological sex. In the 1990s, the term two spirit was adopted by those whose sexual and gender identities did not conform to the Western binary today people are beginning to reclaim their languages and along with that indigenous terms to express their sexual orientation. In this image, again we see the deployment of the two shades of blue that imply a spiritual thing to the union. This theme is also taken up by the fact that we are witnessing one of the figures transforming into a bear, a being that was very important to Morrisseau. Here, he combines transformation with sexual energy and this exchange is emphasized by the blue line that connects the two figures including them as they embrace against the background rendered in these two shades of blue.